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The unique technology and software algorithm speaker compensation of subVo, is klaraT®.


The sensor, a proprietary screen-printed carbon ink sensor, changes in resistance when it is bent. The sensor technology can be added to speaker diaphragms or screen-printed directly onto the diaphragm of the speaker to attain perfect synergistic motion. The sensor can see precise diaphragm movements throughout the entire audible spectrum.


The software consists of proprietary feedback control loop algorithms as well as speaker protection algorithms so your speakers can operate at their limits without introducing distortion or damage. The software can be ported to many audio subsystems such as smart codecs and smart amps with integrated DSPs.


subVo is using their klaraT® technology to research new speaker construction techniques and diaphragm materials which enable better acoustic performance and increased longevity. Traditionally these materials had been dismissed due to their stiffness or mass, but with the klaraT® Technology these effects are overcome.


We at subVo welcome new partners in the audio space to utilize our klaraT® Technology and research what other performance increases and cost savings might be realized.

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